Hello and welcome back again! It’s a bittersweet feelings that my group mates and I especially are experiencing as we near the later end of our project. We’ve put in so much effort into this short film within these past few months. Lots of planning and directoring and filming and decision making and editing. The list goes on and on. But as I’ve recently piecing together all of the first wrap of film we’ve got I saw what parts aren’t working in the way we would like them to. This means we needed to refilm some scenes. There weren’t any MAJOR parts that needed to be fix. It was mostly little things like positioning and making sure things lined up smoothly and made sense. After we were able to get it all the way we’d like them it came time for re editing. I feel as though we are constantly re editing. Adding in and cutting out parts. The editing part is one of my personal favorites. And now after we did some re filming I helped in re edit and adjust these clips. This part of the process, I’ve learned is so crucial. Because I always want to be improving my work and making it better. And the way I do this is collaborating with my group and keep going back to edit our short. And so far this method has been working great. It’s a good practice too. This what the real filmmakers do all the time, it’s a constant cycle. I believe we’ve all done our best and gave this project our all. And I believe it’s really going to show in the final product.