Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What’s need to be redone for our film


Hello and welcome back again! It’s a bittersweet feelings that my group mates and I especially are experiencing as we near the later end of our project. We’ve put in so much effort into this short film within these past few months. Lots of planning and directoring and filming and decision making and editing. The list goes on and on. But as I’ve recently piecing together all of the first wrap of film we’ve got I saw what parts aren’t working in the way we would like them to. This means we needed to refilm some scenes. There weren’t any MAJOR parts that needed to be fix. It was mostly little things like positioning and making sure things lined up smoothly and made sense. After we were able to get it all the way we’d like them it came time for re editing. I feel as though we are constantly re editing. Adding in and cutting out parts. The editing part is one of my personal favorites. And now after we did some re filming I helped in re edit and adjust these clips. This part of the process, I’ve learned is so crucial. Because I always want to be improving my work and making it better. And the way I do this is collaborating with my group and keep going back to edit our short. And so far this method has been working great. It’s a good practice too. This what the real filmmakers do all the time, it’s a constant cycle. I believe we’ve all done our best and gave this project our all. And I believe it’s really going to show in the final product. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Adding in titles to short

Hello! And welcome back! We’ve come a long way in terms of the progression of our short. The last piece before we have our first complete draft is adding in our titles. A very important part in the production of any project is the credits. Accrediting to those who took part in the work. We have to include actors, writers, editors, costume, director, and many more. Each of these consists of one out of my 4 group memebers. As I said before in previous blogs, the way in which these titles appear has a huge impact on the overall feel. I discussed with my group our options on what we wanted to do. We wanted something similar to what we used in our two minute movie opener last year. So I knew we weren’t going to be able to use any of the fonts provided by IMovie since they are so limited. That’s when I suggested to Jake we utilize the same website that we found last year. We agreed that this would be the best solution. We worked together in picking location and timing for each of our titles along with the font itself. We made sure to space it out enough that they were readable to the audience. Not only that but the order of them as well. I made sure “Directed by:” was last on the list. We also made sure that these titles were only in the beginning and didn’t take up the full short film. Because that wouldn’t be realistic. I believe the one we choose looks great and it really adds a lot to our film. Our movie gets better and better as the days go on. I cant wait to begin sharing our work with everyone!! 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Beginning of editing

 Hello and welcome back! We've done our planning. We've done our filming. Now it's time to edit. Since my group and I did all of our filming on our phones, this made the editing process a lot easier. There was footage on all our phones so we shared all of them to each other via AirDrop and IMessage. The first editing software that we used was IMovie. The first thing we did was go through our clips and selected which take we wanted for each scene. Then I opened the IMovie app and selected each of those and put them in chronological order. We took some time watch some clips together to see how it ran together. Then we cut and clean up parts to not make it so choppy. We got rid of parts that we didn't need or parts we stuttered in while acting. As we went along editing our clips we had to keep the run time in mind. Our finished short should be around 5-6 minutes. So we had to make sure it fit that. Turns out we ran a little over what we thought it was going to be. So we all got together to discuss this. Picked which parts could be shortened or taken out to get it to be the right time. Then we picked where our special effect sounds and music should go. We used the song Rob Zombie in the beginning of our film where the titles would begin. We felt like this alongside some non copyrighted horror background music really added to the creepy effect we were looking for. We've come a long way in piecing together our film, but it is not done yet. There's more to be done. We still need to add in all of our titles. However we are going to need to use a different software than IMovie. The reason for this being that this software doesn't have the font we would like. So our next step is to talk as a group to figure out what software to use to get our perfect fonts!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Our obstacles and how they’re affecting our process


Welcome back to our short film adventure. Whilst in the smack middle of this process our group ran into a major obstacle that surely flipped our process upside down. This has to deal with our group member Morgan. She unfortunately has to go into a major back surgery very soon. This is incredibly important for her health and will take a toll on her for a little so of course this is going to switch up our group’s dynamic. Because after all, the group just isn’t the same without her. She will be in the hospital for almost a week and then will be home recovering but unable to work as she did before. But just like in the real word movie industry, set backs like this happen all the time. It is a good thing that we are all super close and are able to effectively communicate with each other to keep on progressing. Even though Morgan can not be as hands on as she would like right now she’s still just as much in this as ever. Jake, Avalon, and I consult with each other everyday on what to do and how to continue with our short. That is why we planned on doing all of our filming before her surgery. So now we have all of footage that we need as of right now. Then when editing time rolls around we can figure out which scenes work and which don’t. We may need to re film. When and if we do we will just have to work around Morgan’s situation. She is being so strong right now and we are all so proud of her and can’t wair til she’s better. With the help of each of us I know this is going to turn out to be the best short film ever! Morgan is just a phone call away. Plus, Avalon is always right there with her and can keep Jake and I updated as we work through this. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Short filming continues!


Hello and welcome back! I've been having the best time working through the filming process for our short film. Its always a blast working on set with my amazing group members and together we always end up with a fantastic finished product. We all spent a good few hours working together to film a few days ago and got about half the scenes done, so now it was time to film the other half. So we all got back into costume and went to work. First I helped Jake set up the rooms we filmed in. I took out some modern decorations and threw blank white sheets over furniture to help make the rooms look more abandoned. Then I took out my phone to look at our script and see which scenes were left to film. Throughout the night I helped direct and set up each of the scenes.  Telling our helpers, Savanna and Kate, where, when, and how to film us actors. Along with where to shine the light. In the scenes that I was not acting in I helped film on our IPhone cameras. After each cut we got together to rewatch the clips and see what needed to be adjusted. We collaboratly decided what we liked and didn’t and went from there. I also helped to suggest what could be different than what we originally planned in our storyboard. I feel like our shots look very professional and could be taken as a serious short. We put in so much effort while filming and put on our best performance. I enjoyed this part of the process so much, it definitely tops as my favorite. I can not wait to begin editing and see it all come together. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Research for Titles


Hello! As my group and I move further along in our movie making process there are some additional things we needed to think about. One of those being that, like our big project last year, we needed titles in our short. We all have some experience with using titles and some background information from our work done last year. The titles that will be integrated are our credits, what production, company, editors, music, actors, costume, and the last being the director. My media group makes up these credits. When editing time rolls around we will split it up depending on who did what.  Even though the titles are subtle they can have a huge effect and how the opening in perceived to the audience. Since our genre is horror we want our titles to be striking and an eerie feel to anticipate the viewers for what's about to come. This is very common especially in older horror films like ones in the image above. If we did a more simple or formal font on our titles it might seem like its for a different genre. Coloring of the fonts also plays a role. Last year for our horror two minute opener we used red a red and black font which we are considering using a again. There re so many different variations to choose from. However its important to think about where thee fonts that we want to use are going to be actually available for us to use. We might have to end up using two different software's to use our preferred title. My group and I have been discussing titles and which would best suit the type of short we are trying to make. We came to the conclusion that we would like to use a font similar to Jacmax Horror font or Sorrow Horror Font.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Short: First Day of Filming!


Hello! I am so excited to announce that we have officially started our filming process for our short movie Possessed. On December 5th my group members and I all gathered at Jake's house around 5 pm so we still had some daylight time to get in our first couple scenes that needed to be shot outside. Our two good friends Katelyn and Savanna also tagged along to help us out with whatever we needed. We forgot the original mirror prop we were going to used that fit our aesthetic so we needed to improvise. Jake had a pink circular mirror with a pink handle so we fixed it up. We took one of Jake's black socks and wrapped it around the handle but then we thought about how in our script we have markings on the mirror. So I took a scrap crumbled piece of white printer paper and wrote down symbols we thought to look like mystical markings that needed to be decoded. Then after that was situated we headed outside of Jake's house to film the opening scene. To help out with lightening we used the flash on the iPhone camera and we had Katelyn shine an additional flashlight on us. My group and I ran through our lines a bit and did our shots of us walking up to the "abandoned" house, discussing it, and walking through the door. We did the takes about 3 times each to ensure we got it just the way we wanted like the angle and to make sure there was nothing in the background that would throw off the mood like the neighbors xmas lights. Since all four group members was on camera we were all helping guide Savanna where to stand and shoot from, when to start and stop recording, etc. so that our vision was really brought to life. The next thing we did was rearrange and take out items in Jake's house to make it look more abandoned and also threw some white bed sheets over the furniture to add to the effect abandoned effect. Next I shot and directed the scene where Avalon finds the mirror with the spirit inside. We tried out multiple shots and angles that way when we film we can pick the one we like the best. Then since we had this area set up we decided to film all of the scenes that took place there. We ran through ad shot those multiple times as well. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Running our social medias!


Hello! One new found part of our marketing campaign that my group and I have started is our social media accounts! Each of one of us took it upon ourselves to set up a different social media platform account and be in charge of it. These accounts would have some information about our upcoming movie in the bio, the creators of it, and also a profile picture to represent the film. I made a Twitter account. Avalon made the Instagram account. Jake made the YouTube channel. And Morgan made the FaceBook account. Utilizing these apps to get the word out about our film is such a smart and effective strategy that hundreds of thousands of real life producers do for free advertisement. It reaches so many different people of so many different backgrounds and age groups. It’s easy access and is a great chance to be interactive with those interested in the film. There, just like my blog, updates on the film can be posted. Not only did we set up our accounts to be successful but we also went and followed all of our fellow AICE Media Studies classmates short film social media accounts. I think it will be great to see through these accounts how our movie making process grows and get to also see the same from our classmates. And who knows running the social media campaigns now could be good practice if something were to happen in the future where we needed to do it for the real deal. We don’t have much of anything as of right now posted on these accounts. But it will not stay that way. We will be sure to post on those as much as we can and make it as legit as we can. I’m so excited to see how these accounts turn out and how much exposure they get! Woo hoooo!

Short Film CR

         A common element that my group’s short film Possessed took part in was the representation of a certain social group and social issu...